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How field service software can elevate and manage your business

To make the most money as a field service business, you must properly manage your crew. You may receive an all-in-one field service software to make the process easier, simplify your business, and enhance customer experience with the correct field service software.

Every day, more organizations are switching to field management software since it can solve some of the industry’s most pressing issues, such as:

  • Inadequate customer service
  • Unused equipment and technician time
  • Costs that are out of control
  • Technician productivity that is low
  • Safety issues
  • Data and career history are disorganized

Fieldy provides a more efficient approach to optimize your field service business, and we do it by tailoring our software to your industry’s specific demands.

Continue reading to find out how the finest field service management may help you boost your profits.

1. Make Appointments More Effortlessly

Both for technicians and dispatchers, scheduling concerns are a major source of frustration. Real-time scheduling is a feature of field service software that notifies technicians when a new work is planned.

The majority of field service management software also allows you to improve appointment scheduling. You’ll be able to design the best path between jobs with this tool. Appointment optimization can assist your technicians find the most effective sequence for performing work.

2. Match Technicians’ Skills to Jobs

A mismatch between a technician’s expertise and the job’s needs is an issue for both the organization and the technician. In fact, it’s one of the most common complaints voiced by field technicians.

A skill management component is frequently included in field service software. You’ll be able to enter your technicians’ qualifications and make notes on their training. You may look at skill sets when scheduling a work to ensure that the tech you’re booking has the proper training.

3. Gather critical data in a single location

One of the most significant roadblocks for builders, HVAC, and other field service business is a lack of information. You can keep all of this information in one place using field service software.

Technicians may access job history and associated duties using their app. They may also utilize the programme to study schematics and real-time components inventories and submit images or documents while working.

4. Improve your time management skills

Easier timekeeping may assist both technicians and supervisors. Technicians are frequently required to input work hours at the conclusion of day or other time. Technicians can modify their timecards when on the job with field service management software. You’ll have a better idea about how much time technicians spend on each project, and payroll will be completed faster.

5. Assign tasks to technicians to keep them on track

Many field management software enable companies to establish task breakdowns for various project kinds. Although it will take more time up front, it will be well worth the effort.

Technicians can stay on schedule with detailed work breakdowns. It also assists them in ensuring that almost all of the necessary activities for a restoration have been completed. Both these can increase client satisfaction and reduce the likelihood that a repair would require numerous sessions.

6. Obtain job reports for a technician

You can use electronic reports to identify overall patterns in a technician’s work. This can aid in the identification of problems, the identification of training needs, and the tracking of an employee’s contributions to the organization.

Tips and Tricks For Field Service Management Business

It may appear like promoting your field service management business is a strange concept. Let’s boil it down into 6 steps that will help your company flourish.

Understand your target market

The first step in building a marketing plan for your field service management business is to understand your customer. You can use the following 2 questions that will help you figure out which groups to concentrate on:

Who is it that uses your service?

Take a look at the people who have already done business with you. Knowing who they really are may enable you to reach a market that has shown to be profitable for you. If you’ve found that the majority of your clients are restaurant owners, for example, you could attract restaurant owners in the area.

Who is in need of your assistance?

Taking a moment and asking these questions can help you discover demographics you hadn’t considered previously. If you’ve been dealing mostly with colleges and young families as a landscaping company, asking “Well who needs a landscaping service?” will help identify your target persona.

Know your market and put that knowledge to good use. This can assist you in concentrating your marketing efforts, creating targeted promotions, and identifying new prospects.

Make yourself accessible

If a potential consumer is unable to reach you, they will contact a company that is more easily accessible. Nowadays, a company’s reachability is determined by its internet presence. Within the field service industry, how simple it is to discover you online can have a direct impact on your profitability.

Increasing your field service management business reach requires utilizing all accessible channels, including business websites and social media. Some may view social networks as an unprofessional medium to reach customers, but if you want your plumbing service to appear in search results no matter where people look, social media is one big target medium.

Check your business’s listings for inaccuracies or outdated information using a wide range of services (Apple and Google Maps, Google Search, Facebook, etc.). Make a social networking account for your company. Even if you don’t have time to update them on a regular basis, you can still connect them to your website and store your contact information.

Take a look at your website. Is it easy to find your contact information? Do you provide a variety of options for people to reach you? Make it as simple as possible for prospective consumers to access you on the platforms they prefer, and they will get in touch with you.

Leverage your resources

From the outfit your technician wears to the automobile they drive, every job is an advertising opportunity for field service firms. Make yourself noticeable and remembered. When someone has a broken air conditioner, they’ll think about your HVAC firm first and choose you.

Your field service management is a company that provides services in the field. This means that your work will be scrutinized and that workers will be present at all times. Invest in distinctive clothes, automobile paintwork and decals, a memorable tagline, and a professional logo.

What makes your field service management business more appealing? A specialist in a soiled flannel shirt with a torn clipboard, or a specialist in a spotless outfit with elevated field service management software on their tablet?

Face time with clients is an excellent opportunity to sell your goods and services. If your techs don’t already do this, attempt to provide employees a playbook to follow at the start and end of each customer engagement to assist lead the conversation.

Get to know your customers

Customer retention requires ongoing interaction. Create an email newsletter with articles from your website’s blog, special offers, and upcoming events. When customers visit your website and social media pages, or when they interact with a few of your technicians, make sure they can quickly subscribe to your company’s emails.

Having an online presence is critical

Potential clients can discover more about your firm by visiting your website. Going online is critical for every organization, but it’s more important for marketing purposes for a field service management company like yours. It’s critical to recognize the value of a well-designed website, well-maintained social media, and great reviews.


The website is your storefront as a field service management firm. You want consumers to visit and stay a little while, and you want to let them know what your company has to offer.

It matters where your website appears on the search engine results. You want your company to come up top when someone searches for “lawn care in [your city].” However, because your city has thousands of lawn care companies, you’ll have to compete for that top rank. Keeping a blog portal on your website might help you improve your keyword content and online presence. According to research, organizations that blogged at least 16 times per month received 4.5 times as many prospects as companies that posted only 0-4 times per month.

Social Media

While social media may appear insignificant, it helps to raise your company’s profile. A potential customer won’t choose you if they can’t locate you. Give no cause for someone to choose a different company. Social networking can also aid in the development of client relationships and the establishment of trust. Because of inadequate personalization and a lack of trust, 41% of participants stated they have stopped engaging with a brand.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the three key social media networks on which you should concentrate your efforts. They can each be used in a totally different manner. Reviews, consumer interaction, communication, and basic operational data can all be found on Facebook. Twitter provides a platform for field service management businesses to communicate directly with potential customers, and the model would work well for customer service. Instagram may be a great way to show off your company’s culture or showcase your work.


Facebook. Yelp. Angie’s List is a website dedicated to helping people.

Users can talk about their experiences with your organization in a variety of areas. For someone looking for a field service management firm, word of mouth might be the decisive element, and nowadays, word of mouth is mostly passed online. Consumers would like to hear your customers’ stories: 61% of people rely on reviews and other people’s experiences to make purchasing decisions.

Urge potential customers to like you on social media, follow you on Twitter, and score you on review sites. This will help you maintain a positive relationship with your consumers and inspire others to visit your establishment.

Where field management software is headed in the next 5 years ?

In the last few years, the field service management software has matured and evolved tremendously. Companies had to adjust to technology improvements as well as the worldwide epidemic, which altered how people worked.

If we look at what’s in stock for field service management businesses, it looks like the whole industry will become more mobile and interactive in the future, thanks to field service management software advancements. More than half of all field service management software, according to Gartner, will feature mobile, immersive virtual reality communication and knowledge sharing technologies by 2025.

Another of their projections is that the majority of field service management solutions will have bots to scheduled tasks and technician jobs. Gartner listed numerous technologies which field service management firms would likely deploy in the next few years as part of their Magic Quadrant study.

Mobile technology

Any successful field service management firm requires responsiveness and professionalism while dealing with consumers. The technician’s position as field service management front-line agents in delivering a great client experience is extremely critical. Field service management operators will look to mobile solutions as one among their most important and productive tools to assist their operations and sustain this level of excellence.

Working online, using a variety of apps and devices, allows employees to be more productive and informed. Consider a few of the most typical problems that field service companies encounter today. Reduced productivity, a lack of real-time data, disgruntled consumers, and decreased profitability are all likely to spring to mind. Service management software’s mobile technology’s capacity to provide up-to-date information to the field, assisting in the resolution of many of the challenges outlined above, is what makes it so crucial to field service management.

Client portals

While augmented reality is altering the way field service providers & their personnel interact, customer portals are changing the way they connect with clients.

Service management software portals will relieve technicians of the stress of communication through automation, allowing them to focus on their tasks and perform more effectively. Customers may use service management software portals to keep a record of their projects, seek support, report problems without having to contact, monitor the progress of their appointments, and much more.

Consider the case of a malfunctioning elevator inside an office building. The property manager may then snap pictures of the issue and upload it in the portal along with a thorough explanation of the problem. Therefore, a technician can focus on his present task without being distracted by phone calls or text messages. He’ll check the portal after he’s finished to see if there are any new tasks for him.

Work tasks with no human contact

Customers want their machinery and equipment to perform properly at all times, and we all know that this necessitates routine maintenance. Despite this, accidents can happen, and they frequently disturb everyone’s routine. Automating job assignments rather than manually allocating tasks helps both field service supervisors and technicians a lot more time in these situations.

Managers may build rules up for scheduling and modeling that can manage tasks and react to changes with zero-touch work assignment. This means customers may set up regular maintenance appointments or create a rule that sends new work to the professional that is closest to them.

Artificial intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are assisting field service personnel in completing time-consuming activities. AI-powered predictive systems can automate processes that would otherwise be done by people manually. Scheduling, job assignments, resources and inventory management, and data collecting are examples of these.

Intelligent field service management software can improve technician assignments based on a variety of parameters, including their experience, location, resource availability, and the preferences of the client. They can automatically assign work to the best available specialist thanks to machine learning.

Customers’ expectations are shifting in tandem with evolving technology, and businesses must adapt. If you want to improve the efficiency of your field service, we can assist you.

Fieldy is a fully – featured solution that can handle even the most complicated situations. Request a demo today for more details!

Fieldy : How to protect your business data with field service management software

On a daily basis, field service management software (FSM) can be quite beneficial in eliminating counterproductive losses. An integrated business service management software may save your company money on everything from costly communication gaps to outright thievery.It’s essential to pick the right technology for your industry, both in terms of capability and reliability.

Read on to discover about the most common sources of risk for your business and how Fieldy, a dependable field service management software, can help you prevent them.

Typical sources of risk for field management firms:

1. Broken security measures:

Many organizations aren’t aware of the dangers that come with cybersecurity failures. While the benefits and dangers of cloud computing tend to favor cloud-based services in general, many firms that use cloud-based management software fail to recognise the risks. It’s extremely simple to avoid security issues in cloud computing if you know that low-quality web-based field service management software frequently fails to properly encrypt web-based data. Because your databases aren’t encrypted or secure, they’re vulnerable to attack and theft, resulting in major data loss and leakage.

2. Ineffective data backup plan:

Each year, 6% of all computers experience some type of data loss, which may be disastrous for any business. Nearly 60% of businesses that lose data, shut down within six months, and even minor data losses can cause major financial problems. While most current systems have built-in backup procedures to assist avoid data loss, lower-quality field service management software frequently backs up, meaning that a single power outage at your providers’ location might result in you losing days, if not all, of data.

How Fieldy, a reliable field service management software can minimize risk

Service management software solutions like Fieldy can assist you in minimizing all of the above risks, lowering the likelihood of your company incurring avoidable costs and losses. By improving communication and merging your whole field service company’ processes into one integrated application, you and your employees will be much more informed and interconnected than ever before.

Mobile capability and security:

Most technicians are unable to transport a laptop to each location, which is why a field service management solution for mobile devices is offered. Technicians can keep up to date on their jobs for the day, interact with their home office and other technicians, and record key information about the job, such as inventory utilized, time spent, and client information and approval, using an appropriate tablet or smartphone. This has the potential to greatly boost employee satisfaction. The only thing to keep an eye out for is to ensure that such mobile applications are properly secured and protected from hacking.

Electronic signatures:

Keeping track of paper signatures for each and every service that each of your personnel provides can be a pain, especially when they are managing multiple jobs per day. Your client’s content is preserved digitally for simple access and reference with an electronic signature capture. This guarantees that all confirmations are tracked and stored correctly. This also safeguards you from claims made against your bills.

Customizable online quotes:

These are a huge help to your business in both directions. Your client receives a digital copy of whatever you quoted them for, and your firm receives a digital copy of the request, replete with customer information, request specifics, and any other information contained in the estimate. These aid in the streamlining of your procedures and the improvement of profitability.

Matching technician skills:

One of the most difficult aspects of managing field services is juggling many techs at once. Different specialists specialize in different areas; for example, one electrician may excel at breaker installation while another excels at light fixture installation. Your field service management solution can automatically make suggestions for which technician to use at which job after digitally assigning and ranking your employees with different skills. This greatly streamlines your end of the business. This also means that underqualified technicians aren’t allocated to assignments that are above their capabilities, lowering the risk of workplace injuries.

Electronic inventory orders:

Putting together an inventory order can be time-consuming. You have a full burden on your hands just tracking the amount of product used every purchase, tracking when inventory is stored vs. used, taking inventory, and deciding when to order inventory so it comes before you entirely run out. Electronic inventory tracking and ordering can help alleviate some of the load by automatically tracking product as it is used and ordering fresh stock when the amount held reaches a specified threshold. Inventory shortages are avoided as a result of this.

Fieldy, a reliable service management software solution was created specifically for the field service industry, making it easier than ever to create, schedule, dispatch, and track service calls for your field service company. We make it easier for your team to work together by allowing easier communication between your office staff and field crew, as well as providing your employees with a simple and accessible means to collect and exchange data. Even better, we use advanced security mechanisms and reporting capabilities to keep all of your acquired information safe, secure, and accessible.

Contact us today to learn more about Fieldy and the incredible potential it holds as a field service management software.

Schedule a free demo here.

Field service software – 4 Biggest benefits for your growing business

Building a business is difficult enough, but delivering field services makes it even more difficult.

A field service business owner must manage normal activities, such as efficiently scheduling projects and conducting inventory checks, while his or her employees are dispersed across multiple sites.

It’s why Fieldy was founded in the first place: to give businesses a better method to manage and monitor their field service tasks and personnel.

Field service management software can help your organization develop in addition to providing excellent administration for your field service personnel.

Integration of Management

You eliminate the need for manual field service processes. Make sure that any other management tools your company uses, such as CRM, payroll, industry-specific software, and so on, are integrated with your field service management software.

To obtain streamlined business management, make those software work in tandem with your FSM solution app.

Integration also eliminates the chance of duplication of data entry on both your normal system and your field service management software, allowing you to increase your efficiency and grow your business.

Better Tracking

Using field service management software allows you to keep better track of all aspects of your field service company.

  • Keep track of your inventory statistics in real-time and know how much parts stock you have on hand and when it’s time to order more
  • Keeping Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) updated on a regular basis can ensure that your company is working smoothly.
  • Keep an eye on your technician’s performance. assuring high-quality work and, as a result, profit

Improved tracking of valuable data and analytics generated by your FSM software will help you grow your organization.

Cost Cutting

Cutting costs can help you improve your bottom line, and many companies do so by laying off technicians. There’s no need to opt for lay-offs as an option if you have field service management software in place.

You save money by eliminating the need for manual processes. There’s no need to hire back-office personnel to handle customer support calls or process paperwork requests.

For efficient field task administration, your field service management technology should meet all of your automated needs.

A cost-cutting example employing a field service app:

  • Keep track of how much your techs drive and devise alternate routes for them
  • Reduction of gas costs
  • Reduction of truck’s repair costs
  • Finding superior alternate routes can allow you to travel to more jobs in less time
  • Increase in the field technician’s efficiency

Automated Systems

Without automated functionality, what good is field service management software?

Automation is a critical component of managing and growing a firm in any industry.

Here are some examples of field service automation capabilities and technologies that your software requires:

  • Create quotations and turn them into work orders.
  • Job scheduling and rescheduling
  • Accept jobs on the job Accept jobs in the field Convert jobs into invoices
  • Service of preventative maintenance
  • Updates on customers
  • Job reports that are generated automatically

With our Field Service Software, you may expand your business.

Automation, tracking, and workflow management are all features of field service management software that help firms thrive. Your business can function smarter and more efficiently while giving your field professionals the tools they need to accomplish their jobs well. You’re missing out on opportunities to build your business if you haven’t used field service management software yet.

Check out Fieldy today to see how it may help you expand your field service business

4 Ways to improve and increase field service customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is critical to every company’s long-term survival, but it’s especially critical for field service companies. Customer satisfaction, which is a measure of how satisfied someone is with your product or service, their whole experience, and your company as a whole, may have a significant influence on your bottom line. It has an impact on everything from customer retention and brand loyalty to reputation and recommendations, so it’s critical to assess where your firm thrives and where it falls short when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Customer Effort Score (CES) are a few useful KPIs to focus on as you try to enhance your customer experience — and, with an intuitive field service software, you can provide quality field service delivery and an exceptional customer experience.

In this blog article, we’ll look at 4 techniques for improving your field service, customer satisfaction KPIs, and overall business health.

A personalized experience for field service customers

Over the last decade, the consumer environment has shifted dramatically. Despite the fact that the expression “customer is king” has been around for a long time, it has only recently become a widespread phenomenon. Customers will be more satisfied if you focus your offers on them, and if you take a step back, your competitors will be right behind you, ready to pounce on your market share. Customer insights may be leveraged to give a more tailored service using predictive analytics. As an example, assigning a field service task according to the customer’s desired time periods. Their preferences may be remembered from previous interactions and used to deliver customized value in order to increase customer satisfaction.

Enhancing Field Service Technician’s Skills

It is critical for field service workers to be knowledgeable of issue scenarios and technical guidelines in order to work more efficiently and quickly solve a problem at a client site. Past service data and records may be studied using analytics to get insights that can aid with faster issue resolution, better maintenance procedures, and even empower field associates with knowledge about what keeps a specific client engagement. If the majority of your field service efforts include sales and marketing, updating field employees with client preferences might be very beneficial. When service history is available for evaluating data patterns of comparable occurrences, faster diagnosis of problems is feasible. As a result, predictive analytics may help equip employees with the knowledge they need to match exact client demands and offer faster and more effective field service.

Consistent Customer Interaction

Customers prefer not to contact customer service until the problem cannot be resolved on their own. Customers are strongly averse to repeated calls from a business for following up with them for every single service update. In order to sort that, if customers can install field service software they can receive real-time updates on Technician arrival, payment information, and transactions via emails, SMS, or the customer portal. Customers would not feel isolated and will have constant access to data, which will boost customer satisfaction.

Field Service Software For Automated Workflows

The advantages of using field service software to improve client satisfaction are enormous. Even if customers have no involvement in the automation of workflows, the improved procedures can assist to reduce mistakes and improve customer satisfaction. Your field technicians are automatically scheduled, and deployed, arrive at the customer location at the correct time with the proper equipment, finish the work assigned, collect customer feedback, take a photo, access crucial client data through the app, and bill and invoice in a legible manner. These tasks must be completed without leaving any room for clients to become frustrated or have a negative impression of your organization or professional. Your consumers will appreciate the smooth, well-managed operations, and the first-time fix rates have a significant influence on customer satisfaction.

Any firm that fails to understand and address the demands of its customers, regardless of how the products or services are classified, will not be successful in the long run.

Digitize your business, automate operations, increase visibility, enhance business and staff performance, increase consumer trust, and propel your company’s growth and revenue.

By utilizing Fieldy, you may have a profitable business. Do you want to test out the software? Contact us for a live demo.

Future trends of field service management

Field service management has transformed more in the last year than in any previous year. Due to the maturity of FSM software, many businesses have begun adopting its advancements and the technology it’s built on. Perhaps what we are seeing now is how field service management is being revolutionized by various needs of FSM businesses and how vendors are providing solutions for each.

Field service professionals are always on the lookout for what’s new in the space and often wonder what the future of the industry looks like. When it’s about modern technology, one should always be searching for new advancements/developments and adopt those that will give them an edge over their competitors. Currently, many new themes are emerging in the field service arena that will revolutionize the foundation of the industry. Several businesses will be pushed to test out their existing strategies and transform them all for better business outcomes.

In this blog, we’ll take you through some of the advancements that you can look forward to in the space of field service management.

Automated Field Service Management

Predictive maintenance is all about utilizing IoT and/or sensors linked with analytics and machine learning to forecast the tasks that will need maintenance in the future. It can also identify the right time for equipment to be serviced, aiming for all the maintenance to be finished just in time.

Some of the advantages of utilizing a predictive maintenance solution are:

  • Increased availability of the system
  • Reduced operational and repair cost
  • No unexpected breakdowns

While preventative maintenance helps us bring down the chances of a machine failing, predictive maintenance relies on data to suspect a machine’s likelihood of failure before it happens.

Automation in FSM

By deploying a field service automation solution companies can gain several advantages, including (but not limited to):

  • Field service automation software stores all data in an easy-to-access format, and provides an indexable archive within the solution, resulting in less or no paperwork to execute processes.
  • With mobile apps and access to smart devices that are linked to automated FSM software, technicians can instantly check their work orders, inventory allocation, service-level agreements (SLAs), and more, while out in the field.
  • For quick invoicing, technicians while still on-site can send all necessary details regarding their jobs to headquarters, including information such as time spent, components and supplies utilized, and even the client’s electronic signature.
  • Field service automation software provides dispatchers complete insight and access to technicians’ work schedules, allowing them to make modifications and updates to jobs on the fly if necessary.

Artificial Intelligence to Improve Field Service Excellence

AI, like IoT, is one of the most talked-about subjects in today’s business world. Field service managers may now take advantage of large volumes of data thanks to recent AI developments. FSM organizations may now swiftly assign tasks to the best-performing service technicians by integrating AI scheduling into certain business processes. Managers can use intelligent planning to look at the technician’s availability, skill set, and location to ensure the best and most appropriate technician for the job. AI can help improve first-time fixes, and drive customer happiness and income by reducing time spent scouting the same site multiple times.

Well-informed Dispatching

The dispatcher’s duty is considering becoming more informed, focused, and productive as AI is becoming good at finding the best technician and enhancing the recommended dispatch process. The dispatcher will be far more confident in their decisions as a result of the system’s increased accuracy, and the amount of time and effort committed to the dispatching function will be significantly reduced.


Field service is now proactive rather than reactive. These expanding field service trends can help you pivot if your goal is to empower technicians, boost customer interaction, and transform field service into a profit-generating arm of your business. The next step is to look at a comprehensive solution that will offer you with the tools you need to implement these trends.

Fieldy is a comprehensive field service management solution with robust features designed to improve every element of your field service operations, including customer asset management, work order management, and more.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the product, or other field service trends, or just to know how Fieldy can benefit your company.

How to choose a best field service management software

Technology is always changing and expanding, bringing with it new trends and phrases. In comparison to Field Service Management (FSM), business mobile workforce maintenance and management is a newer business category, and its growth will reflect how the way businesses deliver services to consumers and customers has changed as a result of innovations and creations in the latest trends and technology, such as androids and smartphones, as well as changing customer or prospect preferences.

In the process of implementing an FSM system a company might require a significant amount of time and money — at least at first. During this period, it is critical for the firm to remember that comparing different systems and making a selection based on the outcomes of those comparisons is a smart idea. The benefits of a well-chosen FSM system are numerous. There are several factors to consider while selecting the perfect one, all of which might have an impact on the overall product. The organisation should devote time to researching several possibilities so that they may select the best one for their purposes.

1. Recognize your company’s requirements

It’s easy to get caught in field service management software’s grandiose, jargon-filled boasts.

Talking to field service executives, helpdesk personnel, delivery, and supply chain partners is the greatest method to understand your genuine company demands. Because these are teams that will be talking with one another via various platforms that aren’t compatible. Involving people in your decision-making will clear the air on needed features, gaps that must be addressed, and bottlenecks that must be identified.

2. Mobility

If a field service management software doesn’t include a mobile option, it’s useless. Technicians may gain real-time access to work details including service requests, billing information, etc. with smart mobile service. It would be beneficial if you looked into features like in-field triage and scheduling adjustments based on domain expertise, parts availability, and proximity. Allowing professionals this level of openness can help you boost your first-time fix rate and maintain clients. Work orders and fill updates should be able to be completed even if the programme is unavailable due to lack of internet connectivity.

After this, it’s now up to you to utilise the features and functions of an FSM software as benchmarks when choosing the best field service management software.

3. Feature to organize field teams and volunteer groups

If your company provides a variety of services, make sure the field service management software you choose allows you to divide them into service groups based on technicality and technician skill. For example,’replacing machine components’ may have its own group of field technicians, while ‘regular service’ could have its own group. This feature will assist you in creating well-defined roles, allocating the appropriate resources to relevant field activities, and effectively managing your personnel.

4. Omnichannel assistance to get a 360-degree perspective of your customers

Field service management necessitates collaboration between customer service representatives and field service executives. Collaboration is challenging in traditional systems since information is difficult to convey between agents and technicians. A contemporary field service management software, on the other hand, gives the entire context about a customer’s dialogues across several channels in a single view. To cooperate, customer care representatives and field service professionals no longer have to switch between several tools or windows.

5. Scheduling and appointments with a single tap depending on agent availability

A clear field agent calendar would be provided by the ideal field service management software, allowing field agents to allocate assignments conscientiously and without scheduling conflicts. Aside from automatic routing, helpdesk agents should be able to override tasks and allocate them to the most qualified and available agent based on expertise and geography.

It should be as easy as dragging and dropping assignments into the calendars of the agents.

Various types of field trips might have different SLAs.

Along with the benefits listed above, the security of cloud-hosted software, access to consolidated information, smart scheduling capabilities, and extensive reporting and analytics not only make agents’ work simpler, but they also improve customers’ whole digital experience.

The correct field service management software can help you succeed in your organisation.
By choosing the proper solution, you may increase your field service agents’ mobility, streamline operations, and remove the laborious paperwork that comes with large orders.

Well, Fieldy has it all. To know more about its capabilities, feature availability and more, reach out to us right away.

6 Field service management challenges ways to overcome them

Field service management challenges are inevitable, it doesn’t matter if you’re a field manager, worker, or back office staff, every aspect of a field team has its own set of problems. Field technicians need to make sure they’re on pace to meet deadlines and that no steps are missed to avoid a repeat trip, while operations managers require accurate records of the job being done to advise supervisors and report back to customers. Lacking access to critical field data causes issues and prevents you from making educated judgments. Billing cycles are slowed, quality assurance and customer satisfaction are at risk, and work schedules must be adjusted.

These are some of the typical issues and obstacles that your field crew has, as well as how you can solve them by using a mobile forms solution to automate procedures and increase operational efficiency.

Achieving higher customer satisfaction

The major field service management challenge is keeping track of many workers in multiple places of dispersed teams. Customers are accustomed to high levels of connection these days, and they have high expectations for their service requests, as well as insight into specialists’ job progress.

Managers and customers can’t tell in real time if a technician is fulfilling those objectives in the field without the proper technologies. A connected field service management system, on the other hand, may provide managers with real-time visibility into job completion and allow customers to view updates as they occur.

Access to Real-Time Data

Traditional manual data input has long since passed us by. Field managers nowadays want instant access to real-time business data at their fingertips. Coordination between on-site employees and operations managers, on the other hand, is a challenge. Duplication of effort and mistakes can occur when field data is manually transferred to computer systems.

Field service management software allows workers to gather and store data in real time.
It allows you to enter essential factors like time spent, parts required, and budget.

Client digital signatures may also be collected using modern field service management technologies. They save before and after photos of the job site, as well as other important project information. This information may be synchronized with back-end systems to improve work engagement.

On-demand Assistance To Field Technicians

On-demand service delivery is one of the most faced field service management challenges in the field service industry. Clients are used to receiving competent service calls. They don’t want an inflated price or service representatives who aren’t well-versed in the basics. Inefficiencies and widespread customer discontent might result from having an unprepared technical base.

The nicest aspect of purchasing field service management software is that it is Field-based mobile app-friendly. This allows for work monitoring, precise information, and fewer repeat visits.
Field service management software makes it easier for professionals to provide accurate quotations and product estimates. Managers can use GPS to track the real-time position of technicians. This facility allows for smooth item scheduling and dispatch. It’s a wonderful approach to make the entire service process go more smoothly and profitably.

Dropping FTFR

It’s not easy to obtain first-time repair rates. According to reports, 24% of field service assignments necessitate a second visit. Every visit to the field is a cost to the firm, therefore it only makes sense to have the technician or delivery person do the work correctly on the first try. According to studies, an organization’s average field time fix rate is 77%, which means field technicians must make follow-up visits for at least 23% of service calls.

This might be due to the technician’s lack of knowledge, his inability to bring the correct components for the task, or simply a system misunderstanding. Whatever the cause, this might have a long-term negative impact on the bottom line for businesses. Companies are increasingly using technological automation to plan and perform better in the field to maintain service quality without putting a strain on performance expenses.

Precise Scheduling

The daily tracking of your field workers and ensuring that they stick to their allotted timetables is critical to the overall success of your field operations. And it’s often a difficulty for businesses, especially if they’re still scheduling field tasks manually. Automated scheduling using an FSM tool can assist in tracking real-time coordinates of your field force and assigning assignments to them on the fly. This improves workload distribution while also limiting potential deviations.

Manual Documentation

Work orders, scopes of work, and equipment requirements are traditionally maintained on paper forms and handed from management to technicians in conventional service firms (and back, when the job is done). Is this, however, an effective approach to managing the service process?
Certainly not. This style of management leads to human mistakes, wastes time, and prevents the firm from attaining shorter mean time to fulfill orders and completing more activities per day. The fact is that all paper data can be moved to mobile applications and subsequently to the reporting system, saving hours of wasteful work time and enabling performance tracking.

While these problems were formerly considered a “cost of doing business” in the field service industry, they no longer have to be a hindrance to your firm. Learn how Fieldy may help you achieve greater success by addressing these revenue, efficiency, and customer satisfaction issues. Request a free demo to see for yourself.