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Benefits of Mobile Invoicing for Field Service Businesses

Why Is Mobile Invoicing Essential for Your Field Services Company?

Despite what many people think, managing a field service company requires a lot of labour. Field service business owners must monitor many areas to ensure their business is profitable, from fleet management to making sure there is adequate inventory to complete tasks. However, with so much on their plate, invoicing is likely the area where field service business owners most require assistance.

A recent SAP analysis titled “The connected SMB: Implementing digital tactics to fuel growth” states that the typical Australian small and medium-sized business processes around 168 invoices each month. Combining this data with Deloitte’s results, which suggest that e-invoicing may save companies up to $20 each invoice, suggests that using digital invoices might result in monthly savings of thousands of dollars for firms.

You’re really in for a treat when you combine all of this with the versatility of mobile invoicing.

By using mobile invoicing, you can minimise the possibility of mistakes and make sure that everything goes as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Would you like more information on how mobile invoicing lowers the likelihood of late and missing payments for field service businesses? Continue reading to see why one of the finest features for your field service company is mobile invoicing.

How does mobile invoicing work?

The technique of using a mobile device to generate an invoice as soon as an activity is finished is known as mobile invoicing. Error risk is reduced since there are no process delays and an invoice is delivered to the client very instantly.

Customers and service providers may view their invoices and past payments in one convenient spot as mobile invoicing is frequently integrated into service management solutions. Since you won’t need to use any additional programmes to transfer invoices or other confidential data over, this also lowers the possibility of fraud and interception.

The advantages of mobile billing

Cash flow and payment problems frequently impede the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. Field service company owners may simplify their invoicing and make sure that every payment are received on time by purchasing a service management tool with mobile invoicing.

Given your field service company, consider mobile invoicing for the following additional reasons:

Increased Precision

The biggest advantage of using mobile invoicing on the spot rather than waiting many hours or days to send bills to your clients is probably increased accuracy. All the facts on the invoice must be filled in precisely since specialists will have the ability to transmit it very soon after the work is finished. If there is a difference, it may also be resolved immediately, eliminating the need for the constant back and forth that’s typical of orders that field service companies get.

Decreased Manual Labour

It sometimes takes a lot of work to create invoices manually using a third-party billing platform, from gathering information to outlining the specifics of each operation. You’ll be able to rapidly browse through prior tasks and transactions to learn all you require about a client’s payment history, since the application will have access to everything from payment history to previous invoice data. You can quickly keep control of all paid, unpaid, or outstanding transactions without having to manually wade through innumerable records if all of your invoice information is in one location.

Less Expensive than Customised Invoicing

In the past, sending bills to clients directly required printing, posting, and other time-consuming steps. You can reduce the expense of physically preparing each invoice by digitising your invoicing system, and you can also provide your clients the much-needed flexibility they require.

Enhanced Payment Schedules

Your clients won’t have to wait more than a few seconds to learn how much they owe you thanks to mobile invoicing on-site. Because of this, you should anticipate receiving payments considerably more quickly and experiencing less needless delays in your financial flows.

Enhanced Safety

Mobile invoicing companies make sure that their platforms are PCI compliant in order to maximise security. In this manner, there will be no losses and the technician, customer, and company can all relax knowing that the funds will be collected. It will just take a few minutes to complete the process from creating the mobile invoice to getting the money, allowing you to handle your finances worry-free.

Use Fieldy to Take Advantage of Mobile Invoicing for Your Field Service Business

Fieldy, which was created to help field service companies, now has a mobile invoicing tool that makes getting paid easier. Fieldy’s native interface to Reckon, MYOB, and Xero enables technicians to create invoices for both recently finished and previously completed work.

In addition, Fieldy automatically creates a PDF invoice for your records, only for your convenience. The programme also offers the option to produce a QR code, which enables the customer to make an online payment using their smartphone. Streamlined operations, faster payments, error reduction, and an enhanced customer experience are just a few of the benefits of Field Service Management Software with Fieldy.

Fieldy generates a unique payment link for every client and invoice in order to increase security. This almost eliminates the possibility of fraud or interception, ensuring safe and secure transactions each and every time.

If the client requests that the invoice be sent to them by email, Fieldy will automatically fill in the email address box using the client’s contact information. In order to avoid further problems, the technician can modify the status of the invoice to “Paid in Full” when a transaction has been successfully completed using Fieldy’s Pin Payment feature.

With Fieldy’s advanced mobile invoicing function, this vision becomes a reality. Why wait? Take the first step towards a streamlined future. Schedule your trial today and witness the power of Fieldy – Your Ultimate Field Service Invoicing Software.

Integrating Field Service Invoicing Software with CRM: A Recipe for Success

Yes, field service invoicing software offers easy integration with CRM (customer relationship management). The integration makes the data flow seamless, and sync between them streamlines business operations and promotes the efficiency of your business.

If you are looking to invest in field service software, we highly recommend you proceed with it. Automation is everything, especially in this world of the internet. If you want your business to survive inflation and competition, upgrading is the key, and field service software management does it for you.

Send invoices: Integrating your field service invoicing software with your CRM simplifies the process of creating and sending invoices to prospects and customers. This integration brings forth the benefits of digital invoicing, such as accelerated payment cycles, reduced manual errors, improved record-keeping, enhanced customer convenience, and the ability to track payment statuses in real-time. Digital invoicing also promotes eco-friendliness by minimizing paper usage and supporting a more sustainable business approach.

Proper data sync: A major benefit for companies that integrate their field service invoices with CRM is better customer data sync. Every single transaction, invoice, or even quotation that is generated is stored in real time, which makes it easier for future reference or for marketing campaigns. It saves you a lot of time as you do not have to do it manually, especially if you are a small or mid-sized business owner. Your field service software requires accuracy in information, and integration will help you achieve it. No room for fraud: Accept it or not, not all employees are true to their company. Sometimes, employees may create fake invoices and cheat the management. But when you integrate the invoicing software with the CRM, all the messages and bills will be sent directly to the customers, which makes sure there is no room for any fraudulent activities.

Track the profit or loss: When you integrate your field service invoice software with your CRM, it makes it easier to keep track of all the customer details and calculate the money you spent on each order or service, which makes it easier to calculate the overall turnover or profit.

Access detailed reports: Most CRM tools come with an auto-reporting function. By integrating your invoicing system, you can create your CRM reports with payment data. Which means that you can pull up reports on all of your customers and analyze how much revenue you’ve earned from each of them.

Up-sell: Now that you have all your invoices in your CRM, it makes it easier for you to access all your high-paying customer details in one place. With this detail, you can easily find out what most of your high-paying customers are looking to buy, and you can upsell more services or products according to their requirements.

Quotes into invoices: Some customers ask you for a quotation before even partnering up with you for your service or product. Once you provide them with the quote, it’s up to them to decide whether or not to proceed. But once they decide to proceed with you, you can easily convert the quotes into invoices as they have already been registered in the software.

Accounting: Integrating your field service invoicing software with your CRM system makes it easier for your accountant as all the transactions are recorded here, and your year-end will be much easier as you won’t have to go through all of your manual bills and invoices to pay the taxes.

Reduces work load: Without integrating the system, you will definitely require manpower to manually synchronize all the invoices and the data, which in turn will cost you a lot of money as you need to pay them. But with the integration, the time and money you spend on doing the same exact task are way less, and the results are way more accurate than when done manually.

No room for error: When the staff has to manually enter the data, they might enter the wrong data, which might cause a lot of non-sync and delay real-time updates. With non-sync in the data, the invoices get delayed, which results in payment delays, which is definitely not what we like to deal with.

Cold outreach: You cannot underestimate the power of cold outreach if you are running a business. Having a centralized medium that has all your customer information in place is a boon, as you can easily shortlist customers whom you would like to reach out to.

The procedure is optimized, and invoice generation is automated. Chasing after payments burns your energy, which could otherwise be used in other important aspects of the business. Employees don’t need to waste their time on administrative tasks that don’t add value.


Technology changes faster than we think, and it is important to stay updated as much as we can to keep up with the business and the competitors. As much as it is important to have originality, it is equally important to see what people or businesses similar to yours are doing in order to keep up with them. Integrating your field service invoice software with your CRM is one of the best things you can do for your business. Fieldy is a field service management software that can help you with all things related to field service management. With years of experience and expert staff, Fieldy assures to provide you with great support at a competitive market price to grow and scale your small business.

How Fieldy’s Field Service Invoice Software Can Ease Your Billing And Invoice Woes? | Comprehensive Guide

It’s no secret that the field service industry is booming. A book full of orders and a bag full of cash are the two main factors that determine the success of a field service business. But these two things can be a reason that your business may fall short!

Wonder how? Invoicing and billing manually with pen and paper is highly time-consuming and labor-intensive work. Particularly pending and delayed payments might affect the steady cash flow, and you might lose revenue. Pending payments could lead to unavoidable dispatching delays for the next job. How can you overcome these challenges and succeed in your business?

This is where Fieldy comes into play. The all-in-one field service management software to help you grow your business and streamline field service operations What did I mean by all-in-one? With Fieldy’s mobile field service app, you can automate all your field service operations, from quoting to completing payments, anywhere at any time.

You won’t believe what I’m about to disclose to you now, but you have to. With Fieldy, you can send invoices with a single click. Yes, in this blog, you’ll learn how Fieldy’s field service software helps you ditch time-consuming paperwork and ease your invoice and billing processes.

Why Manual Billing and Invoicing Is A Woe?

Before we dwell into the benefits of automated field service invoice software, it is essential to know what keeps your field service management from evolving. There are three pain points that you should be aware of: paperwork, human error, and labor.


Going paperless is still far away for many businesses. Approximately, it takes $25,000 to fill a 4-drawer cabinet with paper and $2,000 to maintain it every year. The paperwork alone costs more than using a field service management tool. Additionally to that, employees spend 50% of their time looking for information to complete their job.

Having a bundle of paper in your office leads to a mess, and no one would love to wake up and see piles of paper stacked up on their table. Your invoices may be lost in the shuffle, resulting in you losing money because you won’t get paid.

Human Error

To err is human! Even your best and most experienced employee can make this simple error, which leads to pending or delayed payments or maybe lost revenue. Thus, automated field service invoice software reduces errors and helps you get paid faster and with ease.


Besides the cost, you spent time documenting all the records, from receiving customer requests to delivering a first-rate field service customer experience and getting paid. You have to employ well-experienced resources for the back-end office to reduce the errors being made. According to the APQC research, typically, labor costs consume 62% of total AP costs. With the help of automated field service software, you can save on labor costs, streamline operations, and increase ROI.

What Is A Field Service Invoice Software?

A field service invoicing tool helps you automate the invoice and billing process to streamline and optimize field service financial operations, eliminate errors, and reduce delays.

How Fieldy Helps You Streamline The Billing and Invoicing Process?

Whether you’re a small- to medium-sized business or a big enterprise, Fieldy helps you make faster payments anytime, anywhere, with its in-built field service invoice software. One-click invoicing, a reminder to automate invoices, and on-the-spot payments

One-click Invoicing

Fieldy’s one-click invoicing feature lets you create and send invoices with a single click. This is very useful for businesses with large customer bases, continuous workflow, and the need to send out frequent invoices. This reduces the manual work of having to enter customer information, payment method, and invoice details. With Fieldy’s automated field service invoicing software, you can save time, money, and resources while delivering a great customer experience by generating and sending invoices promptly.

A Reminder To Automate Invoices

Two primary things can cause unpaid customer invoices: entering incorrect payment details and field technicians forgetting to deliver the invoices promptly. Fieldy not only helps you on the field but also off the field. Your back-end office staff doesn’t have to spend most of their time looking at customer data or scanning documents for unpaid invoices.

Fieldy’s inbuilt invoicing tool reminds you to create and send invoices upon task completion, ensuring that invoices are sent on time and payments are received without delay or pending. This benefits not only your cash flow but also the efficiency of your field technicians.

On-The-Spot Payment

Gone are the days of filling out work order forms and returning them to the office to generate invoices and send them back to customers to receive payments. But with the mobile Field Force app, your field technicians can send invoices with a click of a button on the delivery of service and receive payments instantly.

Field service invoicing software helps you generate recurring invoices with customer details on file and lets you automate and streamline cash flow. So you don’t have to worry about unpaid or delayed payment as invoices are paid after the job is completed. Fieldy’s integrated payment API allows your customers to pay you through PayPal, credit cards, UPI, and any other mode of payment they like.

Why Do Small Businesses Need A Field Service Invoice Software?

The reason why most startups or small businesses fail is improper cash flow and pending or delayed payments. Small business owners are wasting their valuable time chasing payments after job completion.

More than half of business owners (52%) worry about unpaid invoices. Late payments are the biggest roadblock to a small business’s growth. This is where field service invoice software helps you reduce your financial pain points and helps your business maintain a consistent cash flow.

Digitalizing Paper-Based Work

Going paperless is the fastest way to reduce errors and speed up the invoicing process. With the field service mobile app, you can store your customer information, work, and payment details to create and send invoices as soon as your technician completes the job.

This field service software also helps you store all your customer information, service history, and payment history on the cloud. So you and your customers can access everything without stumbling onto the pile of paper in the office.

Professional Templates To Speed Up The Process

Professional quotation, estimation, and invoice templates significantly speed up the process and boost team productivity. So the field technician doesn’t have to worry about entering all the details manually; instead, Fieldy helps them with ready-made templates that they can pick and edit as per the requirements. You can also customize the templates to include company branding and messages.

Final Thoughts

Fieldy helps you eliminate costly errors and makes billing and invoicing easier. The best field service management platform for business owners to keep track of their invoices, create quotes, send estimates, and receive payments Fieldy, the best FSM software with inbuilt invoice software, helps you save time and money by automating billing and invoicing and streamlining business operations with ease. Try Fieldy for free and see the difference it can make.