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What are the top 6 characteristics to see in a field service management software?

It’s critical to understand what features are available and what they can accomplish for your company before selecting the finest field service management software.

The world may be at a standstill, but your stack of documents on your desk isn’t. This is the primary reason for the existence of Field Service Management. By opting for Field Service Management software, we can put an end to endless papers loaded with repair orders and customer evaluations, nonstop phone calls to instruct your technician, and the inconvenience of printing, filing, and walking from office to office.

The characteristics of most field service management software systems are similar. The characteristics listed below are common in most systems. We categorised common features by overall business function to make navigating easier

1. Dispatching and scheduling in field service management software

This feature is at the top of the list and is a necessity when it comes to defining Field Service Management Software. Companies need a smart scheduling and dispatching solution to allocate personnel to work orders based on their availability, capabilities, geographic location, and severity codes. It eliminates the stress associated with drawing columns and printing schedules. It speeds up dispatching and gets the work done more quickly.

2. Field service management software with integrations

It is a necessary feature for Field Service Management Software to give consumers smooth service. GPS, QuickBooks, IoT, API, and many more connections that are common in most FSM software that aids businesses in data analysis and sorting. Finance, inventories, customer relationships, and time tracking may all benefit from integrations.

3. Work order management in field service management software

The appropriate and timely processing of work orders is known as work order management.
FSM tool with work order management capability will allow facility managers to keep track of and manage all work orders from a single dashboard.

The programme provides a single location for creating service requests, tracking job completion, and receiving real-time progress updates. It provides location managers with an advantage by allowing them to handle orders across many locations.

4. Field service management software with mobile app

When it comes to measuring the reality on the ground, the state of customer experience with field services (plumbers, electricians, drivers, HVAC, engineers, physicians, and so on) is still generally poor, and management is powerless to intervene since they cannot observe what is going on in the “field.” But does that imply that things will remain the same in the future?

What if FSM organisations could be empowered in a very easy way to operate in real-time and take a proactive approach to field management? What technologies are available to make Field Service Management more visible for both management and customers?

A suitably tailored Field Service Management mobile app is the answer. It also provides for the resolution of three major issues:

  • Improves productivity
  • Saves expenses
  • Boosts customer happiness
5. Inventory management in field service management software

Having an inventory management system comes with a slew of advantages. Inventory management saves time and money while helping you to quickly and efficiently meet your customers’ demands. Not only that, but when employed technicians have access to inventory components management, they are more productive and effective. Investing in inventory management improves communication across departments and simplifies communication from the field to the warehouse.

6. Data management in field service management software

Data is critical for enhancing visibility of your business operations, and being able to collect data from remote locations is especially crucial for field service companies.

Here are some aspects that are prevalent in data collecting and processing:

  • Time and expenditure tracking: Technicians may clock in and out of jobs to keep track of how much time they spend on each one.
  • Customize your contracts and forms to improve consumer knowledge and familiarity with your brand.
  • Electronic signature capture: Complete a contract in one email and allow field staff to capture digital signatures.
  • Reporting: Make use of the information obtained to develop business insights.

In the closing…

Every company needs a pillar to help it grow and chart its course to success. Field Service Management Software lives by this credo. Many are summoned, but only a handful have a chance due to their unrivalled characteristics.

Check out how FSM software can help you out in the journey of building a successful FSM business.

How to Strengthen Data Security and Privacy With FSM Software?

On a daily basis, field service management (FSM) software can be quite beneficial in eliminating counterproductive losses. An integrated field service software may save your company money on everything from costly communication gaps to outright thievery. However, there are several risks to be aware of when using field service management software. It’s critical to select the best software for your sector, both in terms of functionality and security features.

Continue reading to discover the most common causes of risk for your business and how to mitigate them with effective field service management software.

The Most Common Risk Sources in FSM Software

Minimizing risks is one of the most significant aspects of preventing problems in your regular tasks, and in order to do so, you must first understand risk. While the majority of high-quality field service management software helps to mitigate these challenges, less-than-stellar software might leave you exposed and possibly worsen them.

The following are some of the most typical sources of risk for field management firms:

The Security Isn’t Up to Par

Many organizations aren’t aware of the dangers that come with cybersecurity failures. This is especially true for cloud-based software and applications. While the benefits and dangers of cloud computing tend to favor cloud-based services in general, many firms that use cloud-based management software fail to recognize the risks. It’s extremely simple to avoid security issues in cloud computing if you know that low-quality web-based field service management software frequently fails to properly encrypt business-sensitive data like customer information, quotes, and invoices.

Unsecured Devices

As mobile device capabilities improve, the use of mobile devices in the workplace has increased dramatically. This is especially true for labor-intensive jobs like construction, electrical, and HVAC services, where mobile devices allow staff to stay in touch with the office while on the job. While field service software with mobile capabilities might be a huge productivity gain for most businesses, one that is poorly built can cause even more issues.
When it comes to connecting to Wi-Fi networks, many mobile devices offer fewer security safeguards than laptops.

When you connect your mobile devices to these Wi-Fi networks, they become vulnerable to viruses and cyberattacks. While many high-quality field service management software providers create mobile apps with built-in security against such attacks, low-cost software may include apps that do not. Using such an app may result in an employee’s device unwittingly disclosing secret financial or identity information about your company and customers, thus exposing your company to financial and security risks.

How can FSM Software Help You Reduce Data Privacy Risks?

All of the above hazards can be mitigated using field service management software, lowering the likelihood of your company incurring avoidable costs and losses. You and your staff may be more empowered and connected than ever before by enhancing communication and integrating your whole field service business activities into one integrated application.

The following are some of the risk-reducing features that an efficient field service management software can provide:

Improved Security

It can provide the highest level of security. Not only are all of the servers housed in secure hosting facilities designed to thwart any attempted theft, but all of the data will be encrypted, the same as that used by Fortune 500 banks and financial organizations. It will make sure that your information is kept as safe as possible.

Storage and Accessibility

Storing all of your company’s data within your internal systems might quickly fill up your digital storage space, especially after years of operation. An efficient FSM software can provide you with 100 gigabytes of storage space on a highly secure cloud-based system instead of clogging up your hard drive and paying for your own server hosting. Do you require more? At a modest cost, the tool can expand your storage plan as needed. The cloud-based system not only gives you extra storage, but also allows you to access your data from anywhere in the world using your mobile device or home computer.

The software can perform regular data backups at each facility, including digital backups every hour, and take backups every week for media redundancy. This data backup ensures that your data is safe in the event of a problem with any of the servers.

Maintaining Compliance

The software’s capacity to automatically and continuously update data as it is collected allows your company to stay in compliance with regulatory organizations at all times. You may reduce risks and avoid violations and complaints against your firm by organizing all of your company’s information and keeping it at your fingertips. Furthermore, the software’s strict security features help to ensure that all information is kept as safe and secure as possible.

Contact us today to learn about FSM software for smart scheduling and dynamic dispatching and the extraordinary potential of our field service management software, as well as to set up a free demonstration!

Key performance indicators for field services

Identifying the right metrics to gauge the outcome and success of your field service operations can certainly help you understand how well your company is performing and help determine areas that need to be improved for you to accomplish all your business goals. But the question is, what are some field service metrics or field service management software KPIs that you need to track?

In case you identify the wrong ones, there is a higher chance that you will be overlooking some of the main issues that are impacting your organizational performance. And also if you focus on too few or too many metrics it will get difficult for you to make informed decisions in your daily business operations.

Here are the top 6 field service management metrics/KPIs you should be tracking to accomplish all the set goals of your company:

The Efficiency of Field Service Management

When analyzing field service operations, people always consider and prioritize the quality of the service that is being offered in the field.

The effectiveness of field service management is measured based on how sooner the jobs are responded to by the company and the technicians, faster resolution time, FTFR, and more.

These are some of the important data that can help us gauge the quality and performance of your field services and offer the best service to your customers.

Customer Retention in Field Service

To know if the customer base of your company is regularly growing and if the repeat customer count is increasing too, continually examine your overall customer retention rate.

Analyze the profiles of long-term and repeat customers to understand the most effective ways that keep consumers satisfied and encourage them to continue servicing with you. Always ensure that customer service representatives follow up with customers after finishing every job, and address any issues that might have come up post the repair and focus on improving the entire customer experience.

In order to be on top of the quality of the service provided, CSRs and technicians should be well-groomed to ask for service ratings from clients and ask the customers to fill out survey forms as soon as the work is done. Continually aim to improve the quality of your customer service to reduce the churn rate and work on improving the chances of customers referring your business to others.

Average time to finish the job

This metric offers a critical insight into the amount of time each of your technicians takes to execute a specific task/resolve the issue. This metric is primarily utilized to plan the capacity of your field service team and also help modulate the scheduling and dispatching steps of your operations.

By using the advanced FSM tool, you can effortlessly monitor the performance of your entire time and the amount of time consumed to finish the task by letting your field service professionals/technicians update their check-in time when they reach the client’s location and the time they check out post task completion.


Your technicians need to be equipped to be able to finish the job/resolve the issue in a single visit and need not have to revisit the customer’s place to deal with the same issue many times. This metric is important for a company to run in the most productive way possible. To monitor this metric, calculate your first-time repair rate and get to know if there are too many follow-ups from your staff side which might lead to several missed opportunities and profits from new jobs. Make sure that correct technicians are dispatched to perform relevant jobs based on each of their experience and expertise which will eventually garner the best score of the service. Additionally, it is also important for the technicians to get to the job site with all the needed gear and equipment they’ll need to accomplish the job.

Per lead, revenue rate

To determine your bottom line look no further than revenue per lead rate. The total volume of sales divided by the total number of leads (including canceled leads) amounts to revenue per lead.

When looking at field service performance indicators it’s critical to look at the % of closed leads. It’s also necessary to revisit the primary business processes if your company has been closing only a small % of all the generated leads.

LTV (Life Time Value)

The total revenue you aim to receive from a single customer over the course of their relationship with your organization is termed LTV. To calculate this number you need to know how long customers stay with you on average. Multiply that number by the anticipated monthly revenue to find their LTV. The LTV will help you discover what constitutes a good service operation, different methods to implement while prioritizing tasks/jobs, whether or not the job is worth the time of your technician, and more.

Metrics like these eventually lead to one thing: it is immensely important for you to know what needs to be measured in field service projects/processes if you want your business to flourish. And in order to do so, you’ll require a heightened understanding of FSM software’s analytics capabilities/features.

The good thing is that Fieldy will allow you to measure all these indicators and much more. It’s built with the purpose to assist all FSM businesses and field service personnel to make timely and accurate decisions and measures. It is an essential tool for all FSM project managers and administrators, as it will provide them with clarity on success, income, and performance.

There is a free demo available for you to check out our services. You can register for the free demo here.